Joan Scott, PhD, Clinical Psychologist


Joan is a native of Albuquerque who completed her doctorate at the University of New Mexico in 1974.  She worked for one year as a counselor at the Girls Welfare Home where she learned that she had no idea how to provide competent care to the residents with only a bachelor’s degree which is what quickly returned her to graduate school the following year.  She has since then pursued a course of knowledge that would allow her to be as helpful as possible to her clients.

Treatment Approaches:

Dr. Scott has a firm belief in what makes psychotherapy work; it is that the connection between therapist and client is first and foremost what leads in the healing process.

Career Path:

In 1980, Joan joined APP, LLC (which is possibly one of the best decisions of her life) and she has never left.  Also in 1980, she joined the NM Psychoanalytic Society where she has been a member and also on the board for a number of years. Her psycho-dynamic training has served her well over the last four decades.

Personal Interests:

In her younger days she sailed, skied, played tennis and ran marathons. Age has taken its toll and now her pleasures center around dance, chamber music and opera, and friends and family.

Populations Served:


Years in Practice:

